DIRECTIONS TO THE MILTON EARLY CHILDHOOD ALLIANCE 495 Canton Avenue Milton, Massachusetts 02186 617-696-2262
FROM THE SOUTH: Take Route 3 North to Route 93 South (towards Dedham). Take the Exit for Route 28 North. Pass Chickatawbut Road, Thomas' Nursery, and Newcomb Farms Restaurant. At the next traffic light, take a left (landmarks: Tedeschi's and St. Elizabeth's Church) onto Reedsdale Road. Follow Reedsdale to the next traffic light. Milton Library will be on your left. Make a left at the light. First Congregational Church will be your first church on the right, next to Milton Town Hall and the gazebo.
FROM THE NORTH: Take 93 South to Exit 10 for Milton. Follow the road as it curves to the right and then left and ends at a stop sign. Make a right onto Adams St. At the first set of lights, veer to the left onto Centre St. Continue past the lights at Fontbonne Academy, pass Milton Cemetery and Milton Academy. The next set of lights is at the corner of Reedsdale. Milton Library will be across the street to your left. Continue straight through the intersection onto Canton Ave. and the First Congregational Church will be your first church on the right, next to Milton Town Hall and the gazebo.